How to Buy Original Clones and Glue Seeds

Farmer's lab cbd oil.

When the new strain came out Nevada breeders preferred to call it “GG#4” or “Gorilla Glue #4.” However, it has been quite a while since they lost the naming battle as the strain came to be referred to as “Original Glue” – claiming its position as the first and best of the Glue phenomenon. The […]

Marijuana Micro-dosing: How Much Is Just Enough?

A group of food items on a table, including cannabis-infused treats.

One of the few challenges of the infant marijuana industry came in when dispensaries started selling edibles.  While the public had a better idea of how to consume marijuana by smoking it in moderation, many had no good concept of just how strong edibles could be. The high from an edible typically takes longer to […]

3 Health Benefits Of Consuming Raw Cannabis

A close up of a cannabis plant with green leaves, showcasing the health benefits of raw cannabis.

Eating a bundle of raw cannabis leaves might not be your first idea of a tasty treat, but there may be more health benefits packed into those greens than you think.  In fact, some health enthusiasts are suggesting that cannabis could become the next big superfood thanks to all the good stuff packed into the […]

Cannabis Seeds: Pick Your Perfect Cannabis Seed

Let’s talk about Cannabis Seeds and how to pick up your perfect cannabis seed among different cannabis seeds. When it comes to collecting, one of the most exciting things you can choose to collect are cannabis seeds. Hemp is an extremely undervalued resource that has applications in both industry and medicine. For industry, hemp can […]

Popular Jobs in the Cannabis Industry

A person working in the cannabis industry weighing marijuana on a scale.

Cannabis is used for both recreational as well as medicinal purposes. The growth of the marijuana industry has fueled the growth of new careers with their attendant requisite skills. Some of these careers are entirely dependent on the marijuana industry while some of the skills are crosscutting. The legalization of marijuana has created jobs and […]