One of the few challenges of the infant marijuana industry came in when dispensaries started selling edibles. Â While the public had a better idea of how to consume marijuana by smoking it in moderation, many had no good concept of just how strong edibles could be.
The high from an edible typically takes longer to kick in, lasts a lot longer than your standard high, and can sometimes be a lot stronger than anticipated.
But lo and behold, as the industry matures, ew regulations ensure proper packaging, warnings, and dosages, and people are learning how to consume edibles. Â And one of the latest trends in edibles people are latching onto is micro-dosing.
Some companies are even designing their products specifically for users who just want to micro-dose on marijuana. Â Jesse Burns, the marketing director of one such company, called Sweet Grass, explains the process:
“We did some research and found this comparison that 2.5 milligrams of THC, for a lot of people, felt like the cannabis equivalent to a glass of wine or a beer. Â So these products make edibles more approachable, and we’re finding that they really alleviate that fear some people had with them”
Sweet Grass sells a product called the Betterment, which is a 2.5mg candy that looks and tastes a lot like a Colorado dinner mint. Â The product was a direct response to customers who called for a smaller dose of marijuana in an edible, but who didn’t want to break up a cookie or brownie.
They aren’t the only company following the trend. Â In fact, country music legend Willie Nelson himself, or rather, his wife Annie Nelson, has created a line of low-dose, Willie Reserve brand edibles that can be bought in Washington. Â Annie has been way ahead of the micro-dosing trend:
“I’ve been micro-dosing for years, and I’ve also been showing people who to micro-dose for a really long time.”