Marijuana Seeds Blog
A Beginner’s Guide: What you should know about Marijuana
Marijuana is one of the most widely consumed natural drugs in the world. If you are a first-time user of cannabis, there may be a string of questions in your mind about how to use marijuana safely, which form should you consume, what effects will be there, and whether there
Common Misconceptions about Cannabis
Have you ever been chased by weed sellers down the lane but the fear of developing cancerous lungs, or getting addicted to smoking weed resisted you from buying it? What if we told you that marijuana can neither cause cancer nor addiction? Marijuana is one of the most popularly used
Myths about Marijuana and Why You Shouldn’t Believe Them
Amidst plenty of myths attached to the use of marijuana, it is easy to fall into the trap of misinformation. Most people around the world believe these myths that have no scientific or researched explanation to be true. Here are some myths about marijuana and facts to debunk them. 1.

Recreational Marijuana: Is It Good or Bad?
There has been a never-ending dilemma over the use of recreational marijuana seeds across the world. Some states like Alaska, California, and Washington consider recreational marijuana as a good alternative for synthetic drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes and have legalized the use of recreational marijuana. However, some states are still hesitant
All You Need to Know About Buying Cannabis Seeds in the USA
As more and more states pass laws legalizing cannabis, more people across the United States are looking to buy cannabis seeds in order to grow their own plants at home. That’s because most of the states that have legalized cannabis for recreational use and medical use have also legalized growing

How to Buy Original Clones and Glue Seeds
When the new strain came out Nevada breeders preferred to call it “GG#4” or “Gorilla Glue #4.” However, it has been quite a while since they lost the naming battle as the strain came to be referred to as “Original Glue” – claiming its position as the first and best

How to Have Cannabis Yields All Year Round
Nothing beats the high of having some fresh cannabis crop from the field whenever you want it. The best way of doing this is by implementing a system known as perpetual harvest in which you maintain a garden of the cannabis crop year round. The concept of perpetual harvest entails

Thailand leads Southeast Asia as it Passes Legislation to Make Medical Marijuana Legal
We have come a long way from when the legalization of medical marijuana was a preserve of the West. On Tuesday, Thailand led the way for countries outside the Western hemisphere when it passed legislation to make medical cannabis legal. It is the first Southeast Asia country to do so

Ginger tea and cannabread, anyone?
For people that do not want to smoke pot, beverages and infused edibles can a great alternative that does not involve smoking a joint. In fact, it has been found that taking cannabis in this way produces a longer and stronger effect than if one were to smoke it. In
Organic Vs. Hydroponic Grows
Cannabis can be cultivated in two ways: growing organically and using hydroponic systems. Organic cannabis is grown in soil while hydroponic cannabis grows indoors using technology that provides nutrients to the plant. We are going to address the difference between these two methods of cannabis cultivation. Organic Cannabis This is

New Zealand Legislation set to Ease Access to Medical Marijuana
The new laws have been passed two years before New Zealanders head to a referendum on the status of medical marijuana. The new law that the New Zealand government just implemented means that thousands of patients that may need to use medical marijuana will now have access to the therapies.

Introducing the Former Cop Behind Canada’s First Native Licensed Cannabis
Lewis Mitchell has a strong belief that his team can be the best force for the community of First Nation. Near about 80 years ago, the chief police officer spent many weeks by doing supervise the process of picking and burning of 3500 pounds of pot on the Caughnawaga reserve