Marijuana Seeds Blog

Mom’s Risk Pays Off: Gives Son Cannabis To Treat Cancer
When Callie Blackwell, unknowingly to medical staff, gave their son cannabis to treat cancer while he lay dying in the hospital, she was taking a big risk.  It was totally illegal and not standard medical protocol, but she says it helped him make a miraculous recovery. Deryn Blackwell was just ten

Three Social Media Stars That Are Shaping Marijuana Culture
#1 Charlo Green Charlo Greene made waves in the media when she quit her job at a television news anchor on live television in the middle of a report about marijuana legalization. The Alaskan woman reported her story about the Alaska Cannabis Club, the first medical marijuana resource in Alaska,

This Alabama Church Says Weed Is Good For Mind, Body, Spirit
When most people think of going to church, the last thing that comes to their mind is lighting up a joint as part of the service. Â But at one church in Birmingham, Alabama, many leading members of the congregation make it a point to emphasize the benefits of using cannabis.

Patrick Stewart Talks Medical Cannabis: How It Helps Him
Plenty of people use medical marijuana to treat a variety of different ailments, and celebrities are no exception. Â One such celebrity is perhaps the best-loved captain of Star Trek: Patrick Stewart. Â In a recent interview, he revealed that he uses cannabis to treat age-related symptoms. During the interview, he

Here’s Why You Should Try CBD Wax
Most marijuana-enthusiasts know all about THC, but its close non-psychoactive cousin, CBD, never quite gets enough love. Â A lot of people who enjoy marijuana for the “high” stub over CBD as soon as they see that it doesn’t have the same mental effects as THC. Â But CBD has still been

How Cannabis Affects Your Mental Health
Over the years, the understanding of how cannabis affects mental health has shifted. Â When the prohibition of marijuana first came on the stage, marijuana was considered very dangerous to the mind, potentially causing long term brain damage. Â However, as the attitude towards marijuana changes and as new studies emerge, our

New Study Indicates CBD Could Treat Stroke, Heart Disease
As medical marijuana expands both legally and in the public consciousness, there are more and more studies being done to see just what all exactly it has the ability to treat – and sometimes even heal. Â Some of the conditions it has been demonstrated to treat so far include epilepsy,

Experts Say Buying WEED Stocks Like “Buying Amazon In 1997”
With every new expanding industry comes a host of investors who are ready to cash in on the budding business. Â There’s no exception when it comes to the marijuana industry. Â As countries and states begin legalizing medical, and sometimes recreational, marijuana, more and more revenue is filtering through the industry.

The Legendary Cannabis Strain Of Alaska
There’s an old legendary strain of marijuana that has the cannabis community in Alaska on a mission to track it down. Â The strain is known as Matanuska Thunder F***, and it has a colorful history that is shrouded in mystery and excitement. Most people say the strain first appeared on

At Home Marijuana Delivery Services Helping Sick, Disabled Patients
There’s a new bill going around the Colorado state Senate, and if it gets passed, it could make marijuana home delivery services a reality. Another state already has a program like this in place; the legislation is modeled after a similar program in Oregon. Â The biggest push for passing the

This Is What A Marijuana Dinner Party Is Like
Philip Wolf was used to enjoying good company and fine wine in a highly respectable dinner party setting. Â But one day when enjoying such a circumstance, he began to wonder, why can’t dinner parties like this happen, only with marijuana? That’s when he decided to launch “Cultivating Spirits”, a company

Cannabis Oil Gives Young Woman With Rare Disease Her Life Back
When she was just 19 years old, Amy Black was diagnosed with an extremely rare disease called sarcoidosis. The disease, as well as the side effects from the medication she had to take to treat the disease, were leaving her with a much lower quality of life than she was